Sunday, December 29, 2019

Tom White ~ Escaparates mios a la noche
 Escaparates mios 
until 2 January 2020

the Third Street window around the corner 
from the 217 Harrison Street window 
visible 24/7

installation photos by Styrous®



Thursday, December 26, 2019

RollUp Project ~ Escaparates mios extended

Pleased to say that the 
has extended my installation, Escapartes mios
until 2 January 2020. 

Hope people will drive by to see the work or find a quick parking space to do a stroll-by of the two windows. 

The Third Street window visible 24/7
around the corner The 217 Harrison window
Mon - Fri 10 AM - 5 PM

These pix, by Styrous®, are from 5:26 pm tonight, 
the 26th of December, Boxing Day.



217 Harrison Street
around the corner of windows on Third Street near the train station and Jack London Square. 

Please see my blog at 
and the

Tom White
Professor Emeritus

Friday, December 6, 2019

Ogee (the drawing)

Tom White ~ 
 O Gee Curves
photo by Styrous®

I’m reminded of a cello’s heart.
— harp curves
— young body slopes
— architecture school, where I was introduced to this elegant, multi curved line, soft,  and of Middle Eastern origin.

It’s visual significance indicates a message of fullness and double fullness as in a young human face from 3/4 rear view.

A single one of these lines appears to lie flat on the page. Two of them (not too far removed) create an impression of volume or fullness.

This drawing, informed by the cutouts on a violin, tends to be phallic if it weren’t for the sparse use of straight lines creating more chiseled 3d shapes dancing side by side.

Writing about a drawing is like writing about wine: very subjective and questionable .  .  .

In the drawing I like the way the lines kiss the soft paper. Poetry.

tw—— Jingletown, 6 December, 2019