Saturday, August 29, 2015

butohPhoto performance video

Edited video of the performance which was the finale of the butohPhoto workshop (link below) held at the Gray Loft Gallery, San Francisco, California. 

butohPhoto video edit 
Gray Loft Gallery
San Francisco, CA
August 14, 2015

butohPhoto is one of several ButohDrawing projects that have been held since the first one, Action/Reaction with Audience Participation, in 1997.

Video credits:

Tom White - Director
Betty Jo Costanzo - Assistant Director
Styrous® - Sound design
Kyung Lee - Video

Isaac Amala   
Minoo Hamzavi   
Kaia Self   

Moses Correntte - Lead cam

Jan Watten - Gray Loft Gallery Director

2889 Ford Street, third floor
Oakland, California 94601

butohPhoto Workshop @ the Gray Loft Gallery   

TW aka bUtom

Tom White
Professor Emeritus
California College of the Arts CCA



ButohDrawing articles

Butoh Drawing             
ButohDrawing ~ looking through the frame             
Simpler & Friendlier butohDrawing           

Everything S. Q.           

ButohPhoto Workshop @ the Gray Loft Gallery         
ButohDrawing projects           
butohPhoto articles            
butohPhoto performance video         
Butohdrawing ~ "Pentagon VS Hexagon"      
Figure exhibtion opens @ the Gray Loft Gallery   
psÄ“stos to show in the Gray Loft Gallery summer salon        
Psestos in Voices @ Kala       

Geometrics Coupled @ the Rhythmix K Gallery   

Gray Loft Gallery ~ Magnificent
Blue-Green showing in Magnificent @ the Gray Loft Gallery     

Journal entries
Journal entry 1: drawings
RollUp Project articles
RollUp Project intro
Escaparates mios    
Ogee (the drawing)     

butohPhoto articles

ButohPhoto Workshop @ the Gray Loft Gallery    
butohPhoto performance video 

ButohDrawing projects

BUTOHPHOTO, workshop
Gray Loft Gallery, Oakland, California.

California College of the Arts, Oakland, California
BUTOHDRAWING, performances
California College of the Arts, Oakland, California

BUTOHDRAWING, workshops 
California College of the Arts, Oakland, California

Butoh & WINE, performance  
C. G. Di Arie Vinyard & Winery, Mt. Aukum, California
Butoh OVAL, performance 
California State University, Hayward, California   

BUTOHDRAWING, workshops  
California College of the Arts, Oakland, California 
SAMSARA, performance 
Sculpture Grove, Paradise Wood, California  

ButoHDRAWING, performance 
Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, California 

steps, performance 
Marin Horzon School, Fairfax, California 

SHADOW DRAW, workshops
California College of Arts & Crafts, San Francisco, California 

BUTOH SKIRT, workshop
California College of the Arts, San Francisco, CA

ButoHDRAWING, workshops
The Monagri Foundation Centre for Contemporary Art,
Archangelos Monastery, Monagri, Cyprus

ButoHDRAWING, performance
Lithica, Citadella, Menorca, Spain

ButoHDRAWING, performance
Fulbright Center, Buffer Zone, Nicosia, Cyprus

ButoHDRAWING, performance
HP Gallery, Northern Nicosia, Cyprus

ButoHDRAWING, performance
Timken Lecture Hall Foyer
California College of Arts & Crafts, San Francisco, CA

Nahl Hall, California College of Arts & Crafts, Oakland, California

BUTOHDRAWING, performance
Oliver Art Center, California College of Arts & Crafts, Oakland, California  

Dance Ground, San Francisco, California



Tuesday, August 25, 2015


photos by Styrous®

butohPhoto is the name of a recent workshop:
a way of taking a photo utilizing peripheral perception combined with Butoh practice --  snapping the picture, sending it to a pod-cast that’s projected into The Gray Loft Gallery. 

The photos in this article are of the workshop.  The end-product, with it's faults in mind, will be in video form in the next article I post on here. 

Thanks for stopping by.

The following are a few words from previous workshops and classes originating in  a 1997 CCA winter-break workshop called ButohDrawing, where I was forced to find a way for the class participants to serve as Live Models for what was intended as an academically credited Life Drawing class.

“ButohDrawing is a recombinant culture, a nomadic umbrella whose spokes point to many disciplines: art, architecture, design, movement, performance, philosophy, psychology, and historicism.  It interfaces the Japanese discipline of Butoh* movement with investigations of contemporary drawing, writing and postmodern thought.   

The conceptual locus of ButohDrawing can be traced from the picture plane, through the mirror, to the Butoh-rhizome; a filigree of nerves beneath the skin:  Brunelleschi. Leonardo, Cezanne, Lacan, Hijikata and Deleuze/Guattari.  We suspend and elevate this filigree ---  we move it attentively, creating drawings and digital documents in peripheral vision that shift from "doxa" into paradox.  Dynamic tension is at the heart of this program”.   

Tom White © 2003  

* Butoh is a Japanese dance form, circa 1959.  



projection by Betty Jo Costanzo 

TW aka bUtom

Tom White
Professor Emeritus
California College of the Arts CCA



Monday, July 20, 2015

ButohPhoto Workshop @ the Gray Loft Gallery

Butohdrawing Performance, Cyprus 2000
 video still

ButohPhoto Workshop 
offered at Gray Loft Gallery

A workshop by
Tom White, Betty Jo Costanzo, Styrous and Kyung Lee 
 Workshop: Wednesday and Thursday, August 12 – 13
6:00 to 9:00 pm

ButohPhoto Performance by class participants at 
Gray Loft Gallery:
2nd Friday ArtWalk, August 14, 7:00 pm

The workshop will be directed by Tom White, Betty Jo Costanzo and Styrous. For more than two decades they have created workshops domestically and internationally including a residency in Cyprus where they created and performed ButohDrawing.

For more information about the instructors, please visit their websites:
Tom WhiteBetty Jo CostanzoStyrous and Kyung Lee.

The two-day workshop will consist of learning the Butoh discipline – which is a way to discover how to perceive the world through peripheral vision and all of our six senses – the elements of Butoh movement and performance.

The instructors will demonstrate how the act of taking a photo with Butoh heightened perception is a way of seeing the world around us in a very unusual way.  Smart phones and video cameras will be used to record and project the collected images into the gallery space.

The conclusion of the two-day workshop will be a Friday performance, where the participants will incorporate the concepts learned at the workshop, presented during the monthly 2nd Friday ArtWalk at
Gray Loft Gallery at 7:00 pm.
For more info on Butohdrawing, click here and here.


Workshop Details:
Open to ten participants  (sign up today - space is limited)
Wednesday and Thursday, August 12 – 13, 6:00 to 9:00 pm
2nd Friday ArtWalk, August 14, 7:00 pm: ButohPhoto Performance by workshop participants
Performance experience not required
Bring a smart phone or small camera
$100 donation to the Gray Loft Gallery  (sliding scale available)
ontact the gallery to register by August 1.  

Butohdrawing Performance, Cyprus 2000

2889 Ford Street, third floor, Oakland
(not wheelchair accessible)

